Subject of Study                                         

 I would like to express the pain and suffering of my mind, which resulted from the ambivalent feeling toward the restrictions of modern society and various other restrictions, which restrict my movement. (I want to be free from such restrictions, but I cannot. I am nothing but myself, a man, Japanese, a part of the modern Japanese society, and so on. These are all very obvious, and I know that I cannot be free from these. Yet, I want to. This ambivalent feeling inside me.) These feelings are also anxiety and fear that I feel in my everyday life. In order to be aware of such negative feeling in the subconscious, an artist must be aware of the non-everyday feeling. I would like to express such feeling as a strong visual image, and would like to see the potential, which is buried in my subconscious.

 I select things closely related to my body or things in my immediate surroundings as my motifs. They are everyday behavior of a human being related to nature, a part of the human body itself, other life, or natural objects. I consider these various images as visual things, and try to create my own paintings from visual sources (such as magazines, photographs, and videos).

 Also, I think studying ground coat is extremely useful in order to create works. It tells the fundament of expression. The second Flemish school, such as Rubens, uses oil-based ground coat, yet its technique has the characteristics of the Flemish technique as well. Relatively bright gray or yellow ocher are used for ground coat, and the ground coat allows a painter to paint brighter parts or darker parts, whichever he chooses. I study ground coat mainly because of the characteristics of emulsion coat, such as it being semi-absorbable, accepting both water and oil paints, and is flexible and can be used on canvas. Also, the absorption can be adjusted by changing the formula, beautiful colors can be achieved, and the painting lasts a long time.

 I would like to pursue the visual expression of paintings, which is also the theme of my works, and learn the fundament of expression. Through these, I would like to improve the power and quality of my paintings.